What is Zeolite Detox?

Zeolite detox is a form of detox that consists of using zeolite: a mineral that is a combination of volcanic lava and either freshwater or seawater. Zeolite is negatively charged, allowing it to “attract” toxins and other harmful pollutants in the body that are positively charged. Zeolite isn’t absorbed by the body, which means these impurities are eliminated from the body safely and naturally as the zeolite is removed.
What is Zeolite?
Zeolite is a naturally occurring mineral that was formed on the earth approximately 300 million years ago. The ancient Romans were among the first to use zeolite, building bridges with it. In 1756, Axel Cronstedt, a Swedish mineralogist, rediscovered the mineral and called it zeolite (“boiling stone”) when he noticed it released steam when heated at high temperatures.
There are many types of zeolite, with these being the most common:
- Mordenite
- Analcime
- Stilbite
- Clinoptilolite
- Chabazite
- Natrolite
In addition to detoxing the body, zeolite has industrial uses as well:
- Purifying water and removing waste
- Removes odors on farms and cleaning wastewater
- Used in household cleaning products and as a deodorizer
Using Zeolites for Skin
In addition to detoxification, there are many benefits to applying zeolite to the skin:
- Deep cleanser
- Anti-aging properties
- Exfoliate
- Clears (and treats) pimples and blackheads
- Restores pH balance
- Removes airborne pollutants from body (smog, pollen, cigarette smoke, etc.)
Please note: While zeolite as a whole is considered safe, a few variations of this mineral should be avoided, such the naturally forming zeolite known as erionite.
Other concerns with zeolite include the following:
- Could irritate the lungs when inhaled
- Could inhibit the absorption of nutrients and medications
- The zeolite skin product Vulkansandkuren was found to contain lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium and other harmful heavy metals.
It would be wise to consult with your physician before taking zeolite, especially if taking any medications.
How Zeolite Detoxification Works
The zeolite detoxification process is a great way to remove many types of dangerous toxins from the body. There are two ways to use zeolite: it can be applied to the skin or consumed in powder or pill form.
When zeolite is applied to the skin, the toxins that lie hidden deep inside the body are then attracted to the mineral like a moth to a flame. They are literally drawn out of their hiding places in an effort to get to the zeolite.
This process is similar to using a magnet. The majority of environmental toxins have a positive charge, while zeolite has a negative charge. The toxins are pulled to the zeolite due to its negative charge, which causes them to stay attached to the zeolite. When the zeolite is washed off, the toxins are removed from the body right along with it. A similar reaction occurs when the zeolite is consumed: when the zeolite is eliminated from the body, the toxins are released simultaneously.
To create a zeolite mask, take the following steps:
- Mix one tablespoon of powder with two tablespoons of water
- Apply to the face
- Rinse off thoroughly after one hour
The Benefits of Zeolite
Zeolite is considered one of the premier products for detoxifying the body. Thanks to its negative charge, a wide range of positively charged toxins lodged inside the body are attracted to the zeolite, and come out of their hiding places. Once this occurs, they can be removed from the body. As a result, it is considered a safer way to remove toxins and more effective than other detox products on the market.
Here are a few of the science-backed benefits of zeolite:
- Balances the body’s pH. To maintain optimum health, the body must maintain a healthy balance between being alkaline and acidic. Too much acid in the body has been linked to several health issues, including inflammation8, fatigue, headaches and other ailments.
Unfortunately, many of the foods consumed today (white bread, processed foods, etc.) are highly acidic. Other sources of acidity include pesticides, air pollution and even stress. It’s critical a person maintain a proper alkaline/acidic balance. In addition to simply avoiding these foods and environmental toxins, zeolite is an excellent option.
Removing these toxins also helps the kidneys perform at optimum levels: one important function of the kidneys includes helping the body balance its pH levels. Zeolites have also shown promise in helping treat kidney disease as well.1
- Strengthened immune system. Toxins in the body can take a toll on a person’s health, eventually wearing it down over time. By removing these toxins, zeolite helps to strengthen the immune system in two ways: by increasing T-cell activity and raising the number of microphages in the body. A healthy immune system is the first line of defense against sickness and disease, which is where zeolite comes into play: Studies indicate zeolite clinoptilolite has “demonstrated antioxidant activity in humans.”2
- Improved gut health. A problem typically not recognized by modern medicine is leaky gut. This occurs when the lining of the intestinal wall is compromised, allowing bacteria and other toxins to “leak” out of the intestines and into the bloodstream. Leaky gut is believed to cause a variety of issues, including inflammation, autoimmune disorders, a weakened immune system and many other ailments.
Zeolite helps to strengthen the intestinal wall, which eliminates leaky gut.3 This allows the body to function more efficiently and decrease the probability of having gut-related issues.
- Improved mood. Toxins don’t just affect a person physically, they can have a tremendous impact on a person mentally as well. For example, mercury and dental fillings have been linked to anger and depression.4 This is critical, because modern medicine typically focuses on the symptoms, not the actual ailments causing them. In other words, a person can take anxiety and anti-depressants for years, never getting to the source of their mental or emotional issues. By removing the actual toxin itself, a person’s health could see a dramatic improvement in their mental health.
- Fights Bacteria. In addition to fighting bacteria, zeolites attack fungi and other dangerous viruses. What makes zeolite so effective is it only attacks harmful bacteria, while leaving the healthy bacteria that the body needs alone. This allows them to continue their task of fighting off harmful invaders. Studies also indicate zeolites are also effective against urinary tract infections.5
Using Zeolite to Detox From Heavy Metals
A major problem in today’s society is the constant exposure to heavy metals. For example, lead is in drinking water, aluminum is found cosmetics, and food additives, arsenic is found in some fish and groundwater, and mercury can be found in fish and vaccines. This is just a small sample of heavy metal toxins and sources of their exposure. It can be extremely difficult to avoid all exposure to heavy metals because the sources can be so varied. Fortunately, zeolite can remove these and many other heavy metals as well.
As discussed previously, since most heavy metals have a positive charge, they are naturally attracted to the zeolite, which has a negative charge. In addition to removing heavy metals from the environment, the zeolite clinoptilolite has been to remove ammonia, as well as other harmful substances, “including radioactive elements, mycotoxins and poisons” from animals.6
When it comes to “detox,” the first thought for many people is to abstain from eating certain foods for a specified period of time. While this is an important aspect of detoxification, it’s not the only type. In addition to eliminating certain foods and harmful ingredients from our diets, it’s critical we attempt to avoid harmful environmental toxins from our lives as well. In other words, a true detoxification program would include removing all toxins from the body, both food and environmental. This is important because a person can focus on one type of toxin (food) and not realize they are exposed to many others (environmental) and not realize it.
In order to be effective, a detox product must remove a wide variety of toxins at the cellular level. This is where zeolite comes into play, and products like CytoDetox® Liposomal Zeolite Clinoptilolite with Fulvates.
CytoDetox® Liposomal Zeolite Clinoptilolite with Fulvates
In addition to removing harmful toxins, this is an excellent detox product that helps to strengthen the body’s immune system, allowing it to detoxify itself naturally and at the cellular level. Another benefit is it has no known side effects and starts working immediately. Just a few drops per day is all that’s needed.
The key to good health is to be proactive. Don’t wait until you’re sick to start taking better care of yourself. Start using zeolite today. Your body will thank you.
1. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. "Treating chronic kidney disease using clay minerals." ScienceDaily. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/01/140115075624.htm (accessed September 30, 2019).
2. Ivkovic S, Deutsch U, Silberbach A, (et al). Dietary Supplementation With The Tribomechanically Activated Zeolite Clinoptilolite In Immunodeficiency: Effects On The Immune System. Adv Ther. 2004 Mar-Apr;21(2):135-47. [PMID: 15310086} https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15310086
3. Lamprecht M, Bogner S, Steinbauer K, (et al). Effects Of Zeolite Supplementation On Parameters Of Intestinal Barrier Integrity, Inflammation, Redoxbiology And Performance In Aerobically Trained Subjects. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2015 Published. Oct 20;12:40. doi: 10.1186/s12970-015-0101-z. eCollection 2015. [PMID: 26500463] PMCID: PMC4617723 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=zeolites+and+leaky+gut
4. Siblerud RL, Motl J, Kienholz E. Psychometric Evidence That Mercury From Silver Dental Fillings May Be An Etiological Factor In Depression, Excessive Anger, And Anxiety. Psychol Rep. Published. 1994 Feb;74(1):67-80. [PMID: 8153237] DOI: 10.2466/pr0.1994.74.1.67 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8153237
5. Uchida T1, Maru N, Furuhata M, Fujino A, (et al). [Anti-Bacterial Zeolite Balloon Catheter And Its Potential For Urinary Tract Infection Control]. Hinyokika Kiyo. Published 1992 Aug;38(8):973-8. [PMID: 1329451] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1329451/
6. Sandra Kraljević Pavelić, Jasmina Simović Medica, Darko Gumbarević, Critical Review On Zeolite Clinoptilolite Safety And Medical Applications In Vivo Front Pharmacol. 2018; 9: 1350.
7. Published online 2018 Nov 27. [doi: 10.3389/fphar.2018.01350] [PMCID: PMC6277462] PMID: 30538633 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6277462/
8. Mastinu, A, Kumar A., Maccarinelli G., Bonini, S.A., Premoli, M., Aria, F., Gianoncelli A., Memo, M. (2019). Zeolite Clinoptilolite: Therapeutic Virtues Of an Ancient Mineral, Molecules, 24(8). DOI: 10.3390/molecules24081517.