Medicardium - 10 Suppositories

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Suppositories are shipped on Mondays through Wednesdays and require expedited shipping. It is important to retrieve the package promptly after delivery to avoid exposure to heat and warm temperatures. International shipping is not available.

Medicardium suppositories consist of magnesium di-potassium EDTA, which is a licensed ingredient designed to assist the body in managing heavy metals such as mercury, lead, aluminum, nickel, barium, arsenic, and uranium. Unlike traditional I.V. chelation, which is an invasive medical procedure done in a doctor's office, Medicardium can be done in the privacy of your own home. EDTA may also aid the body in dealing with calcifications in soft tissues and joints. Magnesium and potassium can also help reduce the "fight or flight" response that many people experience as a result of the stresses of modern life.

Caution: If you have high mercury levels, EDTA would be contraindicated.

Note: EDTA can lower zinc, copper, calcium, and manganese. If you are low in any of these minerals or plan on taking more than one box of Medicardium, consider supplementing with these four minerals 24 hours after taking a suppository, then wait 12 hours before your next suppository.