HEPA : SSR Series Therapy Kit

DesBio - Deseret Biologicals
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Hepatitis: a disease or condition marked by liver inflammation.Hepatitis A: an acute usually benign hepatitis caused by an RNA containing virus that does not persist in the blood serum and is transmitted especially in food and water contaminated with infected fecal matter – called also infectious hepatitis.Hepatitis B: sometimes-fatal hepatitis caused by a double-stranded DNA virus that tends to persist in the blood serum and is transmitted especially by contact with infected blood (as by transfusion or by sharing contaminated needles in illicit intravenous drug use) or by contact with other infected bodily fluids (as during sexual intercourse) – called also serum hepatitis.Hepatitis C: caused by a single-stranded RNA-containing virus usually transmitted by parenteral means (as injection of an illicit drug, blood transfusion, or exposure to blood or blood products) and that accounts for most cases of non-A, non-B hepatitis.These statements are based upon traditional homeopathic practices. They have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug administration.