Detox Prep (Weeks 1-4)

True Cellular Formulas
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Phase 1: Detox Prep (Weeks 1-4)

The Detox Prep phase is the foundation of the entire program. During these four weeks, the goal is to gently open up your body’s detox pathways, preparing it for the more intensive phases. Detoxification can place a significant demand on your body, so starting slow is crucial, allowing your body to adjust to the process gradually. This phase focuses on supporting the liver, kidneys, and digestive system—key organs involved in detoxification—so they can handle the increased workload of filtering and eliminating toxins.

During the Detox Prep phase, you’ll begin with lower doses of detox supplements such as CytoDetox and TrueCarbonCleanse, gradually increasing each week. This gradual escalation is designed to prevent any shock to your system and to give your body time to mobilize and begin the elimination of toxins stored in tissues. Additionally, including TCF liver support is critical during this phase, as it aids your liver—the body’s primary detox organ—in managing the detox load.

Possible side effects during this phase may include mild fatigue, headaches, or digestive changes, which are common as your body begins to process and eliminate toxins. These symptoms typically indicate that your detox pathways are opening and functioning as intended. To help minimize any discomfort, it’s important to stay well-hydrated, get plenty of rest, and avoid strenuous activities if you feel your energy levels are lower than usual.

Bundle includes: 1 bottle of CytoDetox, 2 bottles of True Carbon Cleanse, and 1 bottle of Liver Support

Dosing Instructions:

  • Week 1:

    • CytoDetox: 0.5 mL in the morning before breakfast

    • TrueCarbonCleanse: 2 capsules before bed (take 1 hour away from food and supplements, 2 hours from medications)

    • TCF Liver: 1 capsule with food at breakfast or lunch

  • Week 2:

    • CytoDetox: 0.5 mL in the morning before breakfast

    • TrueCarbonCleanse: 2 capsules before bed (take 1 hour away from food and supplements, 2 hours from medications)

    • TCF Liver: 1 capsule with food at breakfast or lunch

  • Week 3:

    • CytoDetox: 1 mL in the morning before breakfast

    • TrueCarbonCleanse: 3 capsules before bed (take 1 hour away from food and supplements, 2 hours from medications)

    • TCF Liver: 2 capsules with food at breakfast or lunch

  • Week 4:

    • CytoDetox: 1 mL in the morning before breakfast

    • TrueCarbonCleanse: 3 capsules before bed (take 1 hour away from food and supplements, 2 hours from medications)

    • TCF Liver: 2 capsules with food at breakfast or lunch