Systemic Formulas
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A liquid tincture of GOLD IMMUNE PLUS. This formula contains the powerful herb Golden Seal Root, fortified and buffered with B vitamins to enhance and improve the body's natural immune system. Take with food to minimize a possible niacin flush.

COUNT: 1 fl oz

INGREDIENTS: Spring Water, Active Constituents of Yeast, Rose Hips, Golden Seal (Root), Niacin, Pyridoxine HCl, Ascorbic Acid, Spearmint (Leaves), Fenugreek (Seed), Thiamine HCl, Garlic (Root), Elder (Flower), Cassia Oil, Leptotaenia Oil, Leucine, Gain Alcohol.

WARNING: May cause a “niacin flush” with first few dosages. Take with food to minimize this possibility. DO NOT USE products containing Leptotoenia (Lomatium Dissecutim)

DURING PREGNANCY. In rare cases, a rash may develop as a re­sult of toxin elimi­nation. Soaking in a baking soda bath will normally reduce this condition; repeat as needed.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.